Studio 52 music store. Order Form - Everything about Greek Music and all new releases in music. Over 50.000 titles CD, DVD, Vinyls. ÅëëçíéêÞ Ãëþóóá

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Sunday 16 March 2025
ÅëëçíéêÞ Ãëþóóá English Language

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 * Top of the Month


Vasilis Serbezis
Sarakatsianika IV/V


Stelios Kazantzidis
Sta Monopatia (Vinyl)


Th. Papakonstantinou





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Secure Transactions with Eurobank and VeriSign
Secure Transactions with Eurobank and VeriSign


  Order Form


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Your Order


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Shipping Information



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Payment and Shipping Options

Payment Options:  


  Credit Card / Debit Card (Visa or MasterCard) (?)

        PayPal   (?)
        Western Union (?)
        Bank Deposition / Transfer (IBAN) (?)


  Payment on Delivery (Cash on Delivery) (?)





Shipping Options:  
  Standard International Registered Mail

       Greece: Usual Delivery in 2 to 6 business days (by Post) (times may vary due to the current situation)

  Express Economy International Registered Mail

       Greece: Usual Delivery in 2 to 6 business days (times may vary due to the current situation)


  Express/Courier International Shipping

       Greece: Usual Delivery in 1 to 4 business days (times may vary due to the current situation)


  ELTA Courier

       Greece: Usual Delivery in 1 to 4 business days (times may vary due to current situation)


  CLICK AWAY - In-Store Pickup (in Thessaloniki) (?)

Shipping Rates and Delivery Time Calculator

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       Economy Shipment

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       Fast Shipment

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they become available again. The shipping expenses depend

on the number of shipments and are paid by the customer.


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Product Total: 
Grand Total: 


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  Newsletters:   I would like to receive e-mail with new CD, DVD, LP releases and offers.











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 * Catalogue

New Releases:

* Greek Popular Music
* Rebetika
* Traditional
* Music DVD
* Movies DVD
* CD & DVD for Children
* Classical Music
* Soundtracks
* International Music

Greek Music:

* Vinyl, LP Catalogue
* Modern Folk, Pop, Laika
* Rebetika
* Pop Rock Hip-Hop
* Music for Children
* Byzantine, Seculare,
   Church, Hymns
* Greek Retro Music
* Poetry and Theatre
* Soundtracks
* Traditional:
   Central Greece,
* Greek Islands
* Asia Minor, Smyrne
* Thrace
* Macedonia
* Epirus
* Pontus
* Crete


* Vinyl, LP Catalogue
* Pop, Rock, Electro
* Compilations
* Soundtracks
* Blues
* Jazz
* Ethnic - World

Classical Music:

* Classical Music
* Greek Composers
   and Interpreters

DVD Music:

* Greek Music DVD
* International DVD
* Classical DVD

DVD Movies:

* Greek Movies
* International
* Children Movies

Greek Artists:

* Alphabetic List
* George Dalaras
* Mikis Theodorakis
* Manos Hadjidakis
* Haris Alexiou
* Dimitra Galani
* Manos Loizos
* Anna Vissi
* Giannis Ploutarhos
* Despoina Vandi
* Giannis Parios
* Alkinoos Ioannidis
* Giannis Haroulis
* Thanasis Papakonstantinou
* Dimitris Mitropanos
